Jae Hyung Sim

PhD Candidate in Mathematics


I am a PhD candidate and a Teaching Fellow in the Department of Mathematics at Boston University. My advisor is Glenn Stevens. I completed my B.A. in mathematics with a minor in computer science at the University of Chicago.

I am interested in number theory with an inclination towards algebraic number theory. More specifically, I am interested in Stark's Conjectures, rigid cocycles, and Hilbert's 12th Problem and the relationship between these topics to Kato's Euler System.

You can also find me in my office at Boston University's CCDS 536.
You can reach me via email at simjhsim [at] bu.edu.

News and Updates

Spring 2024. I am working as a Teaching Fellow for MA 225A Multivariable Calculus at Boston University with lecturer Ken Chung.

I am organizing the Boston University Number Theory Expository Seminar (BUNTES) on p-adic Hodge Theory [Link].

I am continuing to work as a organizer of the Directed Reading Program at Boston University and serve as a mentor.